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Membership & Order Form


YES, I want to be a member of OrganicNation.

Please find enclosed my personal check, certified check, or money order for $20 (or equivalent in the currency of your country), made out to the order of OrganicNation/drexel (if you are sending a money order, please specify an International Postal Money Order if you are outside of the U.S.A.).

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail address:
Day phone:
Evening phone:
I understand that you will e-mail my username and password to confirm this membership as soon as you receive this order
(unless I am paying by personal check, in which case there may be a delay of up to 1 - 3 weeks).
We also accept Paypal, offering payment with most major credit/debit cards. Please follow the instructions carefully.
By acting now, I also get the Lifetime Upgrade Membership Package, FREE.

Mail to
OrganicNation/drexel, c/o membership-orders,
P.O. Box 430997, Pontiac, MI 48343
or Fax to 425-952-1540
or Subscribe Below
For A Limited Time Free


Earn Cash at Home

If your like me and have completed your organic plans, planted the seeds, prepped the land, and made some fabulous meals, what's next. Well if your resourceful, now is the time to earn a few extra dollars from the computer. You have all of the ingredients : a computer, the ability to type, and internet access. So why not earn a few extra dollars while the crops are growing? THE ANSWER IS YOU CAN, click the website, to the right.

Just to give you some history. This quest to earn a few extra dollars began many years ago, when I first got into putting up a wesite for organic growing and servicing. So I went through the mind boggling number web sites that said they could make you money. The long and short is , I spent a ton of money, on a bunch of programs and got very little results. The one site I settle on is the web site displayed on the right. It offerred the most concise information about how to get started and easy to follow directions on earning extra money from a variety of sources. Test it out for yourself.
