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10-27-20 - (ONR) Newsroom - The OFP Management System, supplies you with tools, policies and methodologies using best practices for medical marihuana and recreationa enterprises. If your a Consumer - Protect Yourself Webinars

10/02/20 - (ONR)- Newsroom - Visit our e-store for Organic seeds, Infused foods, CBD-based products, Fertilizers  and Pain relief plans. Click HERE to go to the e-store.

4/02/20 - (ONR)- Newsroom - Organic Food Plot offers Medical Marijuana Business Start-up, Legislative Consulting, Commerical Research, Strategic Intelligence, Subscriptions, Publicatons and Omni-entertainment.

11/17/17 - (ONR) Newsroom - LARA advises caregivers and patients on transition to licensee and employees, Sounds innocent enough....right... this is State Government at its finest....don't be fooled. Gov't using oppressive, restrictive and  penal tactics to control and extract. The OFP Management System, supplies you with tools, policies and methodologies using best practices for medical marihuana enterprises.

11/08/17 - (ONR) Newsroom - Despite complaints, state sticks with pricey asset requirements for medical pot licenses - Proposals A and B passed by the voters in the November 7, 2017 election effectively repealed the City's medical marihuana caregiver center program. New applications for medical marihuana caregiver centers are no longer being accepted. BSEED will begin accepting applications for medical marihuana facilities in early 2018.

10/25/17 - (ONR) - Newsroom - Lobbyists attempt to shape the medical marijuana laws before they are made -

10/17/17-(ONR) - Newsroom - Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Board sets new captial requirements and application checklist. OFP announces funding arrangements and dispensary operation franchise manual. For State of Michigan Capital requirements. LINK HERE

9/12/17-(ONR) - Newsroom - the Michigan Medical Marihuana Licensing Act board met in Bath, Michigan to discuss board business and target dates for releasing requirements for licensing. LINK HERE

7/15/17-(ONR) - Newsroom - Those who want marijuana to be fully legal in Michigan are racing to collect 252,523 valid signatures within a tight 180-day time frame, according to a ruling issued last year by the Michigan Secretary of State. The coalition to regulate marijuana like alcohol is leading the signature campaign.

8/15/10 - (ONR) organic newsroom - OFP produces video to All-Natural Pain-Free Living, contact Mike

10/15/09 - (ONR) organic newsroom - OFP partners aligns with Eco-Friendly products and offers Emission Assessments to businesses in manufacturing, mining, and energy production. New on-line auction offers great buy and sell opportunities.

9/08/09 - (ONR) - organic newsroom - Organic Food Plot partners to offers Renewable Energy Credits (REC) and Carbon Energy Credits (CEC) for offsets to Emission Regulation in compliance to ISO 14065-2007. Organic Food Plot aligns its database to track credit retirements, develop analysis programs, and create compliance monitoring policies for projects. "America's Green Broker"- contact Mike

3/22/09 - (ONR) - organic newsroom - Organic Food Plot releases new "work in progress" draft of getting better organic yields. Also announcing the availablity of booking training in personal growth - Life Coaching,  become a member to receive your monthly progress tracker. Send in your food plot measurements - OFP campaigns to get one million U.S. acres organic - Mike - just in Congress - sets renewable energy to be nearly 20% of U.S. energy source by 2012

1/10/09 - (ONR) - organic newsroom - time to start planning your selection of organic seeds for spring-time

10/1/08 - (ONR) - orgainc newsroom - the Fall harvest is on. OFP would like to have all members check out organic material review institute's website. Kids are taking more medication than ever before - obesity is to blame

Number of Kids on Medication Article

BREAKING NEWS ALERT - (ONR) - organic newsroom - FDA issues report of finding Mezamine in 50% of import food from China. Organics are home grown and made in the United States. Become a member and place your order today....

(ONR) - organic newsroom - Organic Food Plot announces new recipes to be released in Mid-June. In a subsequent announcement, Organic Food Plot will begin to offer "Conversion Days" where all members can receive FREE recipe conversion to Organic ingredients


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Renewable Fuels will be the future - The Organic Food Plot believes that Ethanol Fuels have the most advantages of renewable fuels for automobiles with current technology-Organic Food Plots 8 most desired FlexFuel automobiles:

1. Chevy Silverado
2. Ford Fusion
3. Jeep Commander
4. GMC Denali
5. Chevy Tahoe
Ford F series truck
7. Saturn Outlook
Toyota Tundra